Soakage Testing and Groundwater Monitoring
Current environmental policies require developers to minimise the impact of new developments on the potential for flooding. To reduce this impact developers need to reduce rapid runoff into water courses and avoid discharging surface water, wherever possible, into existing sewers when designing drainage strategies and sustainable drainage systems.
Drainage engineers need to consider whether soakaway construction at the site will cater for the expected runoff from pavements and roofs. Many water companies will only allow connection to existing drainage if it can be demonstrated that on site soakaways are not viable.
If preliminary information is required to put together an initial drainage design, we carry out soakage testing within boreholes and trial pits to provide infiltration rates. If a full design requires confirmatory testing, we undertake trial pit soakage testing in full accordance with Building Research Establishment (BRE) Digest 365.
Monitoring of groundwater levels over the winter period is also a frequent requirement of Local Authorities or Building warrantors. We undertake these works through the installation of standpipes equipped with groundwater level loggers, providing frequent readings of groundwater depths without needing to make multiple site visits.