Slope Stability Assessment
In areas of known historical instability and areas prone to landslide, slope stability assessments are often required by Local Authorities and warrantors prior to development to ensure stability of proposed landforms.
Ashdown Site investigation has extensive expertise in undertaking slope stability assessments, including assessing the stability of existing slopes or proposed slopes that may be built on or cut into existing landforms. We also undertake assessment of slopes that have recently or historically failed (landslips/ landslides).
Slope stability assessments will almost always initially comprise a desk study of historical, geological and other information, and walkover survey, followed by an intrusive (borehole and/ or trial pit) investigation, with laboratory testing and monitoring.
We utilise advanced industry-leading specialist computer software to undertake slope stability analyses and provide detailed reports to assist progressing a safe landform design.
If necessary, outline slope stabilisation recommendations are provided, which might include safe slope angles, recommendations for drainage, reinforcement (e.g. soil nails or retaining structures), or recommendations for toe weighting. Detailed slope design would need to be undertaken by others.