Remediation Strategies and Verification Works
Where a ground contamination risk assessment has identified contamination which poses an unacceptable risk to human health or controlled waters, remedial works will be required to mitigate these risks. Setting out what works are necessary in a “Remediation Strategy” is often a requirement of planning conditions or can be required to satisfy other regulators or warrantors.
We can provide detailed remediation strategies which assess available remedial options for the site, the works required and any longer-term monitoring that may be necessary.
Our reports would also include a verification plan, detailing out the inspections and testing information required to verify that the remedial works have been successfully completed.
Following approval of the remediation strategy, we can then undertake the verification inspections, compliance laboratory testing and, where necessary, long-term monitoring needed to demonstrate that identified risks have been properly addressed, and then compile a verification report for submission to the regulator and/or warrantors.