Materials Management Plans
The use of Materials Management Plans under the Definition of Waste: Code of Practice (DoWCoP) is an initiative by CL:AIRE (Contaminated Land: Applications In Real Environments) to improve the sustainable and cost effective development of land by facilitating the re-use, rather than disposal, of unwanted materials that may otherwise be suitable for use on other sites.
The DoWCoP provides a clear, consistent and streamlined process which enables the legitimate reuse of excavated materials on-site or their movement between sites with a significantly reduced regulatory burden. In many instances the DoWCoP can provide an alternative to Environmental Permits or Waste Exemptions when seeking to reuse excavated materials.
We can advise on what works are required to enable a Materials Management Plan to be put in place and we can also undertake the verification works that will be required under an MMP.
The use of an MMP needs to be addressed at the earliest stages of the project. If materials are moved between sites without an appropriate permit, exemption or MMP being in place, then the recipient site can be deemed as an unlicensed landfill by the Environment Agency, who may instigate statutory enforcement actions.