Desk Studies
Desk studies are essential for various purposes and should be the first step in any ground investigation, whether geotechnical or environmental. They are often required for planning processes, building control, and by lenders and funders.
A geotechnical or preliminary contamination risk assessment desk study would commonly include, as appropriate:
- a walkover of the site
- review of data on the current and historical uses of the site and the surrounding area
- review of historical maps
- review of geo-environmental data from Local Authorities, Environment Agency and other relevant organisations and commercial companies
The desk study allows any subsequent ground investigation (if required) to be properly targeted to ensure it is as efficient and accurate as possible.
Our desk study reports are prepared in line with current industry best practice. For preliminary ground contamination desk studies, the risk assessment will include a conceptual site model. For geotechnical desk studies preliminary assessment of likely key geotechnical design parameters will be presented. Where necessary any further actions that may be required will be identified.
Ashdown Site Investigation can also supply specialist desk studies assessing risk to water supply pipework.
We can also supply other desk studies via our partner companies such as UXO desk studies, flood risk assessments, and SuDS assessments.