California Bearing Ratio and Plate Bearing Tests
Ashdown Site Investigation is equipped to carry out a range of plate bearing tests to suit a variety of materials and site conditions for whatever reason you need them for; foundation, ground floor, piling mat or pavement design.
We offer testing on plate sizes ranging from 300mm to 600mm diameter and can apply loads of up to 100kN generating pressures of up to some 350kN/m2 to 1400kN/m2, depending on the plate size used.
We also provide California Bearing Ratio (CBR) dynamic cone penetrometer testing, following the Transport Research Laboratory (TRL) standards, establishing the in situ CBR profile of soils.
The test results provide subgrade modulus and CBR values to enable confident progression of your design.
We offer a fast turnaround time for test results and comprehensive reports, keeping your project on schedule.